Tuesday, 1 January 2013

A New Year is here

Now it's 2013 and I hope for a happy and prosperous year for all. For me the beginning of a new year is a bit exciting, as it's something of a blank page in a journal, we don't know what will fill the pages, we might have our guesses and hopes, but we can't see the full picture until the year, and journal, have reached its end and we can recollect the events and see whether our guesses and hopes were fulfilled or not.

Some of my hopes for 2013 is that my cats stays healthy, especially my bengal boy, as he has had far too many visits to the veterinarian in both 2011 and 2012, last new year he had a tooth infection, this new year he has an ear infection and is on antibiotics. Thankfully my two female cats have stayed healthy and I hope they continue being so.

I also hope to find more time to do crafts, knitting, cross stitch, sew and other things. There are so many things I want to do, but I haven't found the peace to sit down and do anything the last couple of years. Now I plan to schedule time for doing crafts, as I know it will help me to calm down and get more energy, something I know I need.

Other things I want to find more time to do is reading, I love to read, but as with doing crafts I've been too restless to sit down with a book and read in peace (well, as much peace I can find with three cats interested in everything I do). I want to read both books for pleasure and books to learn new things.

I also want to try more of all the food recipes I've collected, I like cooking and trying new recipes but it's been the same as with other interests I have, I haven't taken the time and made an effort to schedule time for trying new things, instead I've cooked the same easy-made dishes again and again.

Well, that's a few of my hopes for 2013, a year from now I will know how much of them have been fulfilled. 

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