Tuesday, 22 October 2013


It's a week now since I had to put my cat Dani to sleep. He had been eating poorly for some days and looked a bit unwell, so I called the vet and got a time the same afternoon. Already when the vet assistant put him on the scales I got a bad feeling, as he had lost 600 grams in weight in three weeks since the last visit to the vet, and when the vet checked him she found that he had lumps in his belly. An ultrasound showed that there were tumours among the intestines, and I had to make the decision to put him to sleep. It was hard, but I think it was the best for him, as he didn't want to eat and hardly drink anything. The vet and the assistants at the veterinary were great, I could sit with Dani as long as I wanted, and afterwards he was to be cremated and the ashes buried at a pet cemetery.

I will miss you Dani!

Dani (Kattkompaniets Mercury) January 13, 2003 - October 15, 2013

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