Sunday, 31 December 2006

New Year's thoughts

There's just a few days left of 2006 and a brand new year will begin. I like the beginning of a new year as there's so much anticipation and excitement going on. What will the new year bring, what changes will it bring to me and to people around me and to the whole world? Will 2007 bring new beginnings or will it just continue in the steps of 2006?
I have to say that 2006 have on the whole been quite calm and peaceful for me, there haven't been any major changes or upsets for me. There were some worries about my mother's health but she's feeling better now and I'm thankful for that. My gardening have been quite successful this year, I got lots of tomatoes and I also got the first apples from the smaller tree in my garden. There's still much to do to get my garden the way I really want it, I want it to look like an old English cottage garden with lots of flowers and herbs so that's high on my "To Do"-list for 2007.
When it comes to the weather and climate I have to say that I'm beginning to worry a bit, it looks more like autumn or spring outside than winter as it should be. Last year we got snow this week here in my part of Sweden and it stayed until the end of March, it's not that common here. This year we have hardly had any frost at all, the weather is so mild that the grass is still growing and I've seen primulas in bloom. I can't say that I'm that fond of snow and cold weather but I do expect some kind of winter with snow and chilly weather here this time of the year.

Imported from Multiply, posted 2006

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