Sunday, 31 December 2006

Summer's end

I went for a walk with one of my cats, Big Boy, this evening at about 9 p.m. and it really hit me that summer has almost came to an end. The sun had set but the western sky still had the pinks and blues of the sunset and while we were walking the colours faded away and the sky got a darker blue colour. It felt a bit bitter-sweet to remember that just two months ago it got this dark after 11 p.m., the sun is already setting two hours earlier now. I love the long summer evenings (as I'm a nightowl I don't see that much of the early mornings, except when I end work at 2 a.m. and the sun is about to rise), I like being out until late in the evening in my garden and still have time to go for a walk with my cats while it's light.

I do like the autumn too and the darker evenings that are coming, to sit in the sofa and light candles and read or do some cross-stitch. In the summer I seldom have time to sit and chill in the evenings, there's always things to do in a garden and I prefer to be there in the evening when it's not as hot as during the day. I also like gardening in the autumn, it's the time to plan for the next summer, planting bulbs, perhaps make some new flowerbeds and prepare for the winter. I have two apple-trees, one larger and a smaller one, the larger is full of red apples while there's only a few on the smaller one, it hasn't reached it's full growth yet. The apples are beginning to mature but I think (judging from last year) it's still a month before it's time to pick apples, but some have already dropped and I think I will use them for an apple-pie.

Imported from Multiply, posted 2007?

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