Saturday, 24 August 2013

Street Market and City Festival

Today the weather is sunny and quite warm to be in the end of August and it's perfect for this weekend's City Festival with outdoor concerts and lots of other events (many of them for kids and teens) going on downtown. I checked the program but there wasn't anything I felt that I absolutely *had* to go and see, so I decided to skip the festival activities.

The International Street Market is also visiting our city this week (Wednesday - Saturday), they are selling mostly different foods from different countries, although there are some other stuff too. I went to the market today and I have to say I bought a bit too much food: cheeses from France and England, chutney and lemon curd from England, pastries from France, Italy and Austria and olives from Italy and Greece. There were also different dishes to try, but as I'm a vegetarian there were not much for me, the only things I saw was a Thai noodle dish and a potato dish, and of course sweet things such as crêpes and waffles.

I also bought two cubes of Savon de Marseille (soap) and a small bottle of lavender oil. I love the olive oil soap, it's mild and doesn't dry the skin, and it can also be used for laundry and in home-made detergents, here are a few tips: Lavender is one of my favourites when it comes to essential oils, and I find it very versatile. I use it in a diffuser, add to detergents, a few drops on the vacuum filter, in the dryer and so on.

I passed the Farmer's Market on my way home, but didn't buy anything today, as I was already loaded with bags. The Farmer's Market is open every Saturday until October 5th on the outer courtyard beside the castle, so I have time to get there and shop locally produced foods and flowers.

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