Sunday, 25 August 2013

Sunday morning with cats and breakfast

The sun is shining again and it looks as if it's going to be a lovely late summer day today, after a misty and wet late night/early morning. The only reason why I know that it was very misty (my guess is that the visibility was about 50-75 meters about 5 a.m.) is that one of my cats decided it was time for his breakfast, and dry kibbles was not on his menu this morning. While feeding him I looked out and noticed that it wasn't possible to see very far, and the roof window in the kitchen was covered with moisture. I went back to bed (I don't do mornings ;) ) and slept for a few more hours, and all three cats came to snuggle in bed with me after their early breakfast.

I got up at 9 a.m. and made me a breakfast from yesterdays shopping. I chopped some olives, both green and black, a couple of marinated garlic cloves, a piri piri that was used as a filling in one of the olives, a finely chopped de-seeded tomato and some cheese cut into small cubes (as the cheeses were semi-soft and not suitable for grating). I fried the olives, garlic and tomato in a frying pan, stirred in two eggs and the cheeses, seasoned with black pepper, and made it into something resembling scrambled eggs. The taste was very good, but it didn't look too much. I will make it again, but I won't stir the eggs into the olive/tomato mix next time, I will instead make an omelet and add the olive/tomato mix and cheese on top of the omelette, or make the scrambled eggs with cheese and serve the olive/tomato mix on the side.

Now it's time to get up after my after-breakfast rest and start doing housework, I've been working all summer and the house cleaning have been neglected. As usually I have divided my summer vacation into two parts, I had two weeks off before Midsummer and three weeks now in late August/early September. I hope the weather will continue to be fine these weeks, and that there will be time for mushroom hunting and walks in the forest. If not, well, I have also lots of indoor activities to spend time on, especially when I get all those cross stitch kits I've bought.

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